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You can download rainmater in here

Minimal Series

Minimal gadgets for Rainmeter.

Pack contents

:bulletgreen: Stack Folder
:bulletblue: Wall Picture (Vertical, Horizontal, SlideShow)
:bulletblue: Capture (Desktop)
:bulletblue: System Monitor (CPU, RAM, SWAP)
:bulletblue: Digital Clock
:bulletblue: Music CD (left and right sided variations)
:bulletblue: iPad Clock (EN + RU variants)
:bulletblue: Calendar

Important Information

Stack Folder To edit links to applications or folder, click right mouse button on the skin and choose Edit Skin. Then in front of words PATHadd your links to your programs, files, folders, etc. And in front of NAME add name links for which you prefer. Numbers of NAME's and PATH's are matched to each other.

Wall Picture To use your own picture place gadget on desktop > click right button on the skin > choose Edit Skin. If you chose SlideShow then after FolderPath= write directory to your folder with pictures. If you chose just Picture then after PathToPicture= write your path to picture.

CD Player To set your player write after PlayerName= your player name
To find player names and check if your player supported go here.

Extra Fonts Needable fonts are included.

(0.8 MB, Full HD)
(This post contains only a selection of the set, the full set is in this zip file, in their original size.) Click Skip Ad at the top right to get to the download.

Credit author: ActiveColors